©1995 - 2023

"You can access the life of God
without being sidetracked by the pitfalls of religious tradition."

Charles Pinkney

It is the Glory of God to Conceal a Matter,
It is the Glory of Kings to Search out a Matter.
Proverbs 25;2  

"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 1 Corinthians 2:7 Which none of the princes of this world knew: (2:7) for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 1Co 2:9 ¶ But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1Co 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 1Co 2:11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor. 2:14
     Revelation and inspiration result from searching, knocking and asking. As simple as it may sound, these are pathways that lead a seeker into the knowledge of the mysteries of God. Too few embark on the search to discover. "God is a Spirit," the scripture declares. (John/4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.)

Therefore, God's divine existence can only be perceived andbelieved on a non-sensing level. If I say that I know God, whom you neither know nor see, you can judge my assertions only on the basis of my personal credibility. Some who claim to speak about or for God are more credible than others. The early apostles did not so much argue the existence of God as a theory or concept but demonstrated and gave proof of His existence by supernatural attestations. They believed and demonstrated the Power of God. (1Corinthians 2). So we have the matter of proving to a materialistic non believing world that God is real and that He still has full knowledge and control of the day to day affairs of this world and the people. It is a very great mystery that it is God who calls us to have fellowship with Him. It is God who equips us to grow and minister through Him. It is God who preserves and keeps us until the time of ingathering his called out people unto himself. So you see, that this Christian life has little to do with our performance or goodness. The gift of God prevails throughout the life of a believer.

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(1 Corinthians 2:6 - 1 Corinthians 2:7) - - We do speak a message of wisdom, but not the wisdom of this world or of the rulers of this world, who are passing off the scene. (7) Instead, we speak about God's secret wisdom that has been hidden, which God destined for our glory before the world began.

Searching, knocking, and asking are the first steps to knowing God and His wisdom. The motivation of your heart must be sincere and earnest. Then revelation and inspiration will surely follow. While there are many who claim they hold the key to divine wisdom, one must knock at the right door. Every religion and cult claim to be this door. But I can declare with certainty that this door IS found in The Holy Bible. The Bible is not an antique, out-dated document. The Bible is the only document that holds a perfect record in the prophecies recorded on its pages that have come to pass. There is another factor to secure understanding. One must acknowledge the Holy Spirit for He is The Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the one true God and reveals the Spirit of Understanding that was in Jesus the Messiah. God the eternal one is revealed by Jesus Christ. The pathway that leads a seeker into the knowledge of the mysteries of God is only through Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah and him only. Religions and Religious organizations even some that mask themselves as Christian, will try to present their own institution as the only true way. Such institutions only lead a seeker into dogma and deception.

"God is a Spirit," the scripture explains. Heavenly things and God the Almighty are mysteries since they consist of divine substance. The Spiritual can only be perceived, received and believed on a non-sensing, non academic level. If I say that I know God, who you have never known or seen, you can only judge my assertions on the basis of my personal credibility. Some who profess to be a spokes-persons for God are more credible to us than others owing to certain expressions of character.

We know that the original apostles after the resurrection of Jesus, did not so much debate the existence of God as a philosophical notion or intellectual theory but demonstrated God's existence by supernatural attestations. They demonstrated the Power of God. (Read Paul's letter to Corinthians Chapter1 and 2). Yet many Christian apologists continue to strive to persuade a materialistic, non believing world based upon arguments, logic or intellectual proofs.

Progressive Revelation
(Line upon line, a little here, a little more there, finally Understanding)

There are some who might disagree with the concept of progressive revelation. Religions wish to see the essential "Truth" all figured out, codified and made concrete as doctrine for future generations. These understandings become "doctrines" of faith and can vary considerably among sects in regard to any particular scripture passage. The doctrinal watchdogs say these have been the teachings of the fathers and we stand upon our doctrines. These doctrines of course, represent the acknowledged view of that sect whether Catholic, Protestant, or the sub sects of Protestantism or a non Christian sect.

Holy Spirit, the Teacher and Revealer of Truth
The Holy Spirit was introduced to the church at Pentecost. This marks the date when the followers of the Messiah experienced the reality of "the New Creation."The Jewish Feast of Pentecost occurs 50 days after the Passover. Jesus's resurrection was the fulfillment of the third of 7 Jewsish festivals, or holy convocations; Passover, Unleavened bread and First fruits. Pentecost following First Fruits, was the fourth (Moed=Holy convocation) that became fulfilled as described in Acts Chaper 2. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit initiated the needed spiritual empowerment promised to the disciples on the occasion of the church's "commission." (Acts Ch.1) The disciples were not to go out to minister, teach or testify until after this experience. This wondeful Holy Spirit activated many supernatural gifts through dunamis power (Gk.). I write more on this later. One of these giftings is the Spirit of Wisdom and understanding. Wisdom lies latent in the Word of God, The Bible. Yeshua (Jesus) is also called the "Living Word." He is The Spirit of Truth speaks to the reader." The revelations and insights of the Bible lie dormant until made alive by the Holy Spirit. This same Holy Spirit brings revelation and understanding, not merely "intellectual" or informational understanding.

This is what makes the Bible unique. Not only does the information found in it prove valid but it has the power to reveal "heavenly things"- truth on a level beyond the factual or informational level. Descriptions would inadequately describe these as the experience is beyond the natural. There are then two levels which experienced by those who read Scripture, informational and revelational. Believers who are Spirit born, and empowered by the Holy Spirit Baptism experience are illumined by "The Rhema Word." Rhema refers to the proceeding voice of God which enlivens the Scripture and makes it speak to the present needs of any reader. The Spirit brings life and understanding. "The letter of the Scripture, Jesus said, kills." There are many who believe the Bible is mostly a fable or make-believe. They have not yet received the necessary key to wisdom, faith and belief. With these we know that the stories of God's wonders in day of old are more than fables, they are assuredly true.

Jesus gave this testimony about knowing the mysteries of God. " - I know Him, I am from Him, He sent me." (John 7:19) Yet, not everyone is, persuaded by these words. There are also many today remain unpersuaded that Yeshua is the one mediator between God and Man and who truly speaks for God. I myself, have learned and understand that God is a God of mysteries and hidden things.

The parables taught by Yeshua (Jesus) had within them kernels of truth on multiple levels; plain story-level truth but also higher spiritual level revelation. There is and always has been the matter of hidden truth, or 'hidden manna.' To Christ's disciples it was given to know the secrets of the Kingdom of God while others received no more than a moral homily. Why is it that God reveals himself to some and not to others? This is a fact but also a thorny question, as it engages the concept of divine election; those who God chooses.

Secret Things Belong to the Lord

First it must be understood that heavenly mysteries are not open to the vile and vulgar to intrude upon! There are defining limits between the world's darkness and heavenly light. I have always puzzled that Bible TRUTH and the realities of God were not presented to the world in neatly delineated, point by point, topics.  Wouldn't that be wonderful if all the hidden facts about God and Heavenly realities were made accessible and easy to comprehend! But in God's wisdom, He has chosen to hide himself. He dwells in a secret place. (psalm 91)

The Doubting Mind of an Unbeliever
The unbeliever must set aside unbelief before he/she can make the first step of faith. Thus the key to unpacking and deciphering the Word of God can not be achieved strictly by academic skills and study alone. If that were true only the bookish could know God. The Divine Spirit, Ruach ha kadesh, in Hebrew called in King James vernacular the Holy Ghost, is the one and only way to achieve valid revelations of God. The Spirit of God always reveals and glorifies Jesus. There are of course shamans, psychics, mystics and Eastern Relgions who receive spiritual revelations but these are from other spirits who do not conform to biblical truth.

At best you can receive only a glimpse and hope to enter a deeper realm of revelations through my efforts to encourage you in God. The insights I share are not that which I learned from Christian institutions but were drawn entirely from my own studies and experience. Without the Holy Spirit, the teacher and discipler of truth, one remains bound to an informational level. We are given understanding in the light of Jesus. "The entrance of his word brings light." (Psalm 119) Understanding grows a little at a time. First, a line by line approach to scripture, then eventually, precept upon precept. Precepts are the understandings of what the literal word actually says in terms of the greater wisdom of God. Jesus is 'the Word of God made flesh.' This is in Itself a profound mystery. When the Scripture (The Word of God) is made known in its completeness we shall See Him as He IS.

The following chapters deal with the subject of Mysteries. There are several topics that will appear initially to be familiar such as those addressed in a sermon or a Bible study. But though the topics sound familiar, I believe there are deeper and more profound revelations and understanding to be found. These topics are not in any hierarchy of order. Nor will I suggest that my thoughts on these topics are more than a glimmer of light upon yet  deeper understanding. I can do little more than introduce the topics of God's mysteries. These are of course, just a few of the mysteries of the Bible. Many more remain to explore and mine. 

Bible Commentaries

When you read commentaries they are the best understanding of that scholar/teacher. We should not take the information or the interpretation of scripture as absolute fact, but only recognize it as one person's best understanding. Every commentator may be lacking in the absolute or complete revelation of that passage. It is God's purpose that many in the BODY share what the Bible has revealed to each of us. Those who do not have the Holy Spirit of Truth are most likely to lead to incorrect or apostate interpretations. Those with the Spirit of Truth may also fall into error if they stand upon only the Spiritual Gift and set aside the Sciptural texts. The Body of Christ (Those called to believe in him) are expected to grow ever deeper and deeper in their understanding. Also, remember there are mysteries; and mysteries within mysteries only to be revealed in the right time. Revelation is progressive and ever deepening as His truth is being revealed by God's Holy Spirit in God's time.

It is clear in reading prophetic writings that God has withheld certain things from us (sealed from access ) because it is not yet His time to make them known. The mystery of the 'Church Age' was hidden and latent until it was revealed to Paul by the resurrected Jesus. Details concerning the resurrection were not known until after the apostolic age. Certain matters dealing with the end of the age was sealed from Daniel. John received revelation in Revelation Chapter 10 that was not to be written until the time of the end.

Contrary to what some would assert, not all the knowledge or answers (facts) are revealed. God has a time and sequence to complete his plan are for The Church, for Israel and for the world. As God said to Daniel and to John in Revelations, go your way, these matters are to be 'sealed' and be revealed in a time yet to come.

Matthew 16:16 But who say ye that I am?
Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter, answers and says, "You are the Messiah, the son of the Living God. " Jesus then tells Peter, "- - - Flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. This is an example of how we receive knowledge of hidden things,
1Corinthians 2:0 -
-"Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those that love him. 10: But God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11. For man knows the things of a man, save the Spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God, know man knows, but the Spirit of God.

Introduction to Bible Mysteries
The Bible, Word of God, is not an ordinary book. It is divinely inspired or more correctly, divinely authored. The word has an informational component, but more importantly it has a revelatory component. The word translated as "Word" has two forms in original Greek text. The Logos and the Rhema. The Logos pertains to the sum of the recorded word, the total counsel of God or the mind of God in its sum and its character. It may also be said that the Logos pertains to the Law of God. The Rhema is the word which means "spoken" or voiced, the Rhema component is the portion of the Word which is God breathed in the present moment. It is the voice of God which speaks spiritually to the mind and heart of the reader, or in this case "the hearer".

True hearing is a spiritual process. The Spirit of God releases us to hear. The human ears are not the organ for spiritual hearing. The scripture says, "Man can not live by bread only, but by every word, (Rhema) which proceeds from the mouth of God. " It is God himself who governs this flow of his revelation into the hearts (an organ of inner knowing) of the hearer and this by an act of Grace. Even understanding is through the Grace of God.

Though this Grace appears absent to many who pick up the Scriptures to read it is available to those who ask for it humbly in faith. It would be presumptuous, however, to assume that we are automatically entitled to it. It is equally presumptuous to assume we may understand or comprehend the mystery of the Word with only the natural mind. Again the apostle Paul reminds us, "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."(2Corinthians 3:6) The Holy Spirit is He who God has sent to teach all things which are from Christ and God. As I stated, I am only one commentator, and do not pretend to be the only person who has received this understanding and doctrine for God is without partiality without 'respect of persons. ' He will reveal Himself to any who seek Him.

Judge the words and spirit of any who profess to speak of/for God. You the reader or hearer must judge these words against the Logos, the written Scripture, the whole counsel of God. Then there is the inner witness; the AMEN of God is the FAITHFUL WITNESS. The knowledge of God is free to all. But, the knowledge of God is hidden or veiled until the veil is removed by the Spirit of Christ Jesus. We who are of the faith may say, "I was once blind, but now I see" (read, John Chapter 9.)

Here is an introduction to essential

Many doctrines remain untaught or unrealized by nominal Christians, today. Yet, the teachings here  are not esoteric or so-called "occult." Truths in the Bible are veiled until the HOLY SPIRIT reveals these truths to a believer. It remains apparent that all who read the Bible do not apprehend the same doctrines or truths. Christian sects differ on what are the principle doctrines of the Bible because of the interpretation and understandings that they are guided to believe.
{Links are found at top of page}

E Book 1:
The Gospel Without Religion

E Book 2:

A Disciples Handbook

E Book 3:

Mysteries in the Bible

Index to all Charles Pinkney Christian Titles

Resources: Understanding Home Fellowships

Frank Viola Interviews a typical church-goer

(Discussion of Open Church)

05-10-2024 Update

Introduction to Mysteries of God

Index to Bible Mysteries


The Rapture of Believers, Part 1

The bride and the Bridegroom typology and the rapture

Mystery of Accessing God

Mystery of the Body of Christ 

Mystery of the Cross, Crucified with Him

Mystery of Faith Believing God's Word

Mystery of Grace, God's Hand Stretched Forth

Mystery of Power and Divine Enablement

Mystery of Spoken Words of Covenant 

Mystery of Righteousness in the Beloved

Mystery of the Word -.Bible is a Living Force

Mystery of Spirit and Spirits