Why and How Christians Gather


The Intimate Nature of Christian Fellowship

Additional Pages of Christian Insight

What will the Final Move of God Look Like?

    A Quest for God;

Introduction to the Gospel Without Religion


Expectations and Guidelines  for Christian Fellowship & Worship

The form of Christian fellowship and worship described here is no doubt different from the traditional religious experience. It is nonetheless Scriptural, modeled after the Teachings of Paul in all his epistles
Koinonia (fellowship) is the hallmark of the Christian gathering. Unlike Biblical koinonia the church experience is in evidence everywhere in denominational Christianity usually lacks any more than token fellowship among the body of believers. This familiar form of denominational Christianity is guided and controlled by credentialed leaders or overseers who are generally called the priests or pastors.
The Ek-kles-si'-a (Greek word translated church) might be translated as the "called out assembly." It consists of a relatively small group of professing and Holy Spirit empowered believers who share the experience of a God encounter. These believers meet to regularly to share and participate in the active life of and interaction with God. Such sharing is exercised with openess and liberty. The the essential aim of the gathering consists of transacting life of the Kingdom of God. It includes the sharing of food, making prayer, offering praise, bringing forth teachings, testimonies, psalms, spiritual songs, as well as prophetic revelations. It may also involve celebration of the cup and bread of the Lord. Such gatherings are mostly democratic with a good deal of freedom to express whatever the Holy Spirit is pleased to do at that time. We can presume based on all the truth of Scripture noted elsewhere in these texts that each believer has a place, a gift and a essential role to play in the Kingdom of God. The Lord Jesus is the rule and the authority of any Ecclessia. Where the body gathers Christ Jesus is the invited and welcomed participant. "Where two or three are gathered in his name," he promises to be part of the gathering.


  1. To be: United in Spirit and purpose - knowing the reality of Jesus as Savior; and having fellowship with God our Father through Him and giving glory to God. After any person is reborn spiritually, they become part of one heavenly family who share the "gift of God."  To continue to be United in Spirit - The same Spirit that is in Christ Jesus.
  2. For the body in fellowship to continue to grow (be edified) in knowledge of truth (Holy Bible is the guide)
  3. To be bound in mutual love and acceptance.  The spirit of Love denotes we are Christians.
  4. To seek God's manifested presence corporately. (Seeking and activating His kingdom to be manifested on earth)
  5. To recognize and invite the Holy Spirit to empower, lead and guide; to reveal Jesus.
  6. To value and utilize the unique gifts in the Body: The abilities that the Holy Spirit of God has given to each believing disciple.
    (our brothers and sisters)
  7. To follow the "Gatekeeper," the leading shepherd, or the head of the home, who is practiced in following the Holy Spirit in an orderly way.
  8. For all to discern and guard against spiritual pitfalls, against against disunity; To guard against the expression
    of any wrong spirit -- anger, prejudice, suspicion, jealousy that will "grieve" the Holy Spirit.
  9. To maintain a good order for the purpose of edifying and building each believer kindly with liberty in the Holy Spirit.
  10. Doctrinal purity must acknowledge the whole counsel of God, The Word of God (Scripture)
    used for instruction in Godliness, correction and reproof thus contending for correct doctrine.

The Scriptural model of intimate corporate fellowship (Koinonia) is found in
1 Corinthians, Chapters 12, 14; 1 Peter 4:10


Welcome to any seeking to know God

This is an introduction to a collection of Christian commentaries entitled "The Gospel Without Religion" which best captures its focus and intent. It is based upon my own Spiritual revelations of and in the liberating promises of Scripture. 

I came to a better understanding of the "Gospel" only after becoming a "believer." I had experienced God in his love and forgiveness in my own life, encountering God and being 'born of the Spirit' in 1981. I was amazed and also a little dismayed that the simplicity and truth of the power of Jesus' Gospel was never presented clearly from the pulpit of the Spiritually impoverished denomination I grew up with. I was not taught that the Gospel had spiritual dimensions and more importantly that Jesus had the power to change lives.

Knowledge of these same Bible truths are still either virtually unknown or unpracticed by many of the tradition- bound teachings of thousands of supposedly Christian "churches" throughout the world. 

I have discovered that there are 3 paradigms of "wisdom" and "truth" which people are inclined to live by: 

Read about the power of paradigms in life and thought

The first, the paradigm of worldly wisdom; 
Except for a few remote and primitive societies, most all human culture is ruled by the natural or materialistic world experience. The contemporary, worldly-wise person, follows a humanistic, materialistic belief system. This belief system is based upon experiences and observation of a strictly physical kind. Yet, as described in the writing of Paul to the Corinthians, (1Corinthian; Chapters 1 &2) the natural man can not know God, neither through science nor through scholarship.

The Holy One through his wisdom has made it nearly impossible for the strong, the wise, the self sufficient, the noble, the well-off of this world  to know the truth. To advance in the knowledge of God we must first recognize our desperate need and our inadequacies. We must become "needy" and "poor" and be made small like a child in order to enter in  at this gateway of truth and the "Kingdom of God." 

The second, the paradigm of religious wisdom;
As it pertains to "godliness" and truth, "church house" religion offers many well defined and unequivocal answers, though not always the right answers. This religious paradigm is observable more or less in every formal and institutional house of religion where human leadership and traditions rule. The theology and disciplines of years of tradition build the dogma which at times includes Biblical terms and understandings. While at the same time omitting certain important features of the Gospel that might have been stipulated and practiced by the first century apostles. For those who think that the Gospel of the book of Acts doesn't pertain to the twenty first century seeker they present a fragmented or perverse form of Christianity.

The third paradigm of Truth is a belief and experience revealed by the power of the Spirit whom we call the Holy Spirit. The new covenant actually provides us a teacher. The Holy Spirit is given only through Christ Jesus to each believer who seeks it. Through the Spirit we are enabled to become disciples (children of God) to know the ways of God which were once totally alien to us. It is a token investiture of heaven, the Kingdom or God, or Divinity. And it is freely given as a gift who seek the higher life of God on earth. 

The true believer, in the Holy Spirit paradigm, requires no priests or intermediaries though whom we access God. We are all called upon to be first disciples (learners) then, guides, mentors and eventually mature. There is so much richness, depth and revelation within the Bible, the Word of Truth, that no disciple or teacher can exhaust the depths of its glory. The object of the Spiritual life is to continuously grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Messiah. Discipleship is a very real priority. New born babes require milk but it must be pure and free of taint or else it will spoil the life and maturity of the believer. Year after year of studying the Word and seeking Jeshua, Jesus and the wise counsel of matured gifts of the body of Christ bring each of us into greater understanding. Understanding and the expression of Godliness are the principle things.

We need a fellowship that is pure, not one dominated by human authority and control. Such a fellowship will express love, acceptance and forgiveness that extends the "kingdom of heaven" to our hearts (our spiritual selves) and transforms our souls (mind, will, and emotion).  Two or three centuries after inception of the "Church" in the age of apostles, human rulership and tradition took the place of the divinely ordered fellowship of believers in which Jesus reproduced himself in each believer.

Apostolic Teachings point to Expectations and Guidelines for Christian Fellowship

What we are called upon to seek in  'Koinonia'
The word 'Church' (Ecclesia in the Greek meaning those called out) now has so much institutional baggage associated with it, I hesitate to use it when talking about true fellowship or life in the Kingdom of God! Today say "Church" and our first thought is my church versus your church; Or the building that stands on such and such corner of town.

A better term is Koinonia. Koinonia is the bond of fellowship and mutual participation made possible by being of the same mind and faith in the Lord Jesus. The word tells us "If we have fellowship in the Light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another. It is always a common testimony or a common experience that binds friends together. The Lord calls the solitary soul to become part of a "family". We are the children of the Holy one, God Almighty. This is an awesome starting point for fellowship.

Do Not forsake the gathering of yourselves together, and even more as you see the day
day of the Lord - Jesus Christ - a dispensation of judgment against the ungodly and rebellious) approaching (Hebrews 10:25)
I would like to add a brief comment to the above scripture relative to the gathering of a body in fellowship. As simple as the words might appear, it would be good to look at it more deeply. If we ask questions certain understanding might be revealed:
1. 'The Day of the Lord' is a long held prophetic event spoken of throughout the prophetic books of the Old Testament.
and reiterated throughout the New Testament.
1.1 The scripture above reinforces the idea that ISRAEL is still a part of the prophetic time table.
1.2 Contrary to Kingdom Now or Preterist theology, we are still outside of the dispensation of the Lord's kingdom on this earth;
1.3 The so-called Christian church has not replaced Israel;
1.4 Evangelistic outreach in itself will NOT bring in the Kingdom but the supernatural time of judgment will through God directed natural and political events and finally Jesus Christ's direct intervention.

2.1 'Even more so - -" Although the obvious and assumed meaning would be to continue faithful in church attendance and not to neglect obedience to the God focused life.
But, what if a church fellowship does not manifest the power and giftings of the Holy Spirit?
2.2 The next and probably more important aspect of this phrase, hinges upon the insights and revelations which are expected and normal in true fellowship where revelation is brought forth by the prophetic word.
2.3 God through the Holy Spirit must be active and in charge in the gathering together.
2.4 "As the day approaches" indicates that God will not only give us encouragement, but life saving insight into the times in which we are living.

Expectations and Guidelines 

for Christian Fellowship & Worship

To be: United in Spirit and purpose - knowing the reality of Jesus as Savior; and having fellowship with God through Him and giving glory to God. After any person is reborn spiritually, they become part of one heavenly family who share the gift of God. 

  1. To continue to be United in Spirit - That same Spirit that is in Christ Jesus.
  2. For the body in fellowship to continue to grow (be edified) in knowledge of Truth (Bible is guide)
  3. To be bound in mutual love and acceptance.  The spirit of Love denotes we are Christians.
  4. To seek God's manifested presence corporately. See 'gathering together' comments above
    (Activating His kingdom being manifested in earth)
  5. To invite the Holy Spirit that He be given place to empower, lead and guide to reveal Jesus.
  6. To value and build from the unique gifts and abilities that the Holy Spirit of God has given to each believing disciple. (our brothers and sisters)
  7. To follow the "gatekeeper", a leader, or the head of the home. This person should be equipt with spiritual knowledge as well as experienced in following the Holy Spirit in an orderly way. (This is not about one person being the only gift used.)
  8. For all to discern and guard against spiritual pitfalls, against against disunity; To guard against the expression of any wrong spirit -- anger, prejudice, suspicion, jealousy that will "grieve" the Holy Spirit.
  9. To see to it: That all things serve to edify, building each believer with liberty in the Holy Spirit.
  10. Correct precepts (understanding) must employ the whole counsel of God, The Word of God
    (Scripture) is the guide for instruction in Godliness, correction and reproof. This matter addresses doctrine.

The Scriptural model of intimate corporate fellowship (Koinonia) is found in
1 Corinthians, Chapters 12, 14; 1 Peter 4:10

Growing in the knowledge of God as a Disciple

Our understanding of how things "are supposed to be" are called paradigms

Paradigms control our level of faith and our ability to believe

  1. Discipleship provides learning experiences for a believer. 
  2. Knowledge of fundamental principles of doctrine which are taught in the Word:
    Essential Apostolic Doctrine.
  3. Becoming grounded in spiritual matters and apostolic doctrines, such as:
  • understanding fellowship with God through prayer
  • understanding our position and authority as righteous believers
  • understanding our liberty, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
  • understanding the power of agreement recognizes - -spiritual law pertaining to agreement between
    2 or 3 witnesses, the Amen of God. 
  • understanding principles pertaining to God speaking the "end" from the beginning,
    The Spirit of prophesy is the testimony of Jesus. Prophecies from the covenant foundations of Israel
  • understanding principles pertaining to words and their power.(Veracity and faithfulness exhibited in words) 
  • understanding principles pertaining to blessings and curses. (Spiritual power exhibited in words) 
  • understanding principles pertaining to apostolic foundations and order
  • understanding principles  pertaining to the New Covenant (gospel); Our new position as believers in Christ
  • understanding principles pertaining to the blood of Jesus, Purity, power, the cross and salvation, etc.
  • understanding principles pertaining to types and foreshadows of Christ in the Old Covenant Scriptures
  • understanding principles pertaining to respecting our Jewish roots of the Gospel; the law, the prophets, the psalms, fulfilled in Christ 
  • understanding principles pertaining to feasts of Israel, fulfilled in Christ
  • understanding principles pertaining to the Kingdom of God - Heaven's rule Spiritual hierarchies 
  • understanding principles  pertaining to kingdom authority of the believer over demonic (spiritual enemies)
  • understanding principles pertaining to praise and worship entering the streams of God 
  • understanding principles pertaining to agreement the first step in receiving from God
  • understanding principles pertaining to spiritual warfare, the ongoing battle for each divinely invested saint
  • understanding principles pertaining to ways of prayer, communion, intercession, enforcement, faith 
  • understanding principles pertaining to ministry of every disciple
  • understanding principles pertaining to baptisms (Hebrew 6)
    Baptism the command of Jesus, Holy Spirit baptism, equipping and empowering the disciple to minister.

For any wishing to investigate the practice of active discipleship,
you may click on the link below. The e-book is called

  "The Disciples Handbook"

C 1995-2024

additional Biblical themes