Essentials of perspective:

Lesson on Simple Perspective
Using horizon, size change, overlapping, etc.

"Perspective" means to "Look at Through" Imagine drawing any view in a natural setting by looking through a plate of glass and tracing exactly what you see. This is what perspective means.

Any indoor or outdoor view in which there are parallel sides receding into the distance will use the linear perspective method. It may be 1 point, 2 point or even 3 point depending upon which sides we face squarely.

1 Point

We use 1 Point when we face squarely toward a building, wall or object being drawn.
A horizon line represents eye level. Eye level is self explanatory. The horizon line is where the vanishing point (s) is/are positioned. The vanishing point in 1 point is always the precise spot we are looking toward in our environment or setting.

The One Point Perspective Box
This schematic would apply to any interior view
in which you are facing squarely down the center of
the room or  down a hallway.
In the photo scene below you see this same scheme
as the camera sees it. The figure animates the room.

The ceiling occupies the top quarter
The walls occupy the side quarters
The floor has tiles in perspective

Scene from an action thriller?
Yes, but also an example of 1 point perspective.


An Outdoor view that most of us have experienced.
note eye level and horizon line
ground plane which extends from bottom to horizon
tracks are on ground plane
poles are on ground plane
Note how a circle would be viewed in perspective




Angular Perspective
Angular perspective comes from viewing a form like a building,
box, or a table from a corner view.
Angular perspective uses two vanishing points
Eye level determines whether the lines recede upward or downward
toward the vanishing points.

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