Charles Pinkney, Art Instructor
"The Pinkmeister"

Hints for Aspiring Artists


Materials You Will Need on Hand
* 4 Soft lead drawing pencils, HB, 2B or 3B  :)  ALWAYS HAVE A PENCIL!!! 

* Color Markers: Water Soluble. A set of 8 or 12,
* Especially You will need one or more BLACK water based markers


Our art block day will be set aside for Art Appreciation day. On this day you will learn the different ways that artists create. We will learn about styles of art, various art forms, and Historical art periods through research and video presentations. The best way to learn about art is to look at ART.

Many different things go into evaluation of projects and over-all performance. The over-all impression is what is most important however. Projects have: An idea; A design; Time and effort; Skills in the use of tools, Sometimes it is important to know how to do something correctly and to follow directions this might be given weight in the final evaluation check. (There is a sample of a project evaluation below.) 

Ideas, Creativity, or Imagination  (1)way too low (2)a little   (3)average   (4)better than average  (5)Notable, Bravo! 

Media Skills  (1)way too low (2)a little   (3)average   (4)better than average  (5)Notable, Bravo! 

Use of Space (Design)  (1)way too low (2)a little   (3)average   (4)better than average  (5)Notable, Bravo! 

Development  (1)way too low (2)a little   (3)average   (4)better than average  (5)Notable, Bravo! 

Applies concept/Follows Directions  (1)unacceptable (2)little   (3) more   (4)better  (5) Bravo!

Art and Learning 

Art learning is multi-answer seeking. Art looks for divergent answers to a question or problem.  Art is investigative and emphasizes INQUIRY and Discovery
Personal investigations are encouraged to find out how concepts relate to other disciplines or classes. 

Art is performance just as music, drama or gymnastics are performance.
Art performance to be high quality also needs effort, knowledge and skill building to grow in excellance.

The Arts are related and have many features in common. Not only the arts of Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture are related but Music, Writing, Poetry touch upon the same purposes and thinking processes. Science, Math and Social studies are dealing with Concepts and Issues which artists relate to everyday. 

Examples of Multi-discipline Concepts:
"Large Concepts"
Concepts cross subject lines, have universal application.
Problem-Solving -
(Rhythms/Cycles- Time Periods)
Technology - ies
 Style (s) -
Modes of Expression -
Viewpoint or Personal Vision

Art learning emphasizes discovery, experimentation, self evaluation.
Art encourages each person to discover their own individual soul and voice.
Art seeks to establish the unique value of each individual.
We will share our thinking and discoveries; we will share our ideas.